This is my exchange student blog as I got the opportunity to visit the United States of America within one semester. I am Gracia, German, originally Malagasy student from Berlin living in Montgomery, Minnesota and gaining a lot of experience in this wonderful village. Enjoy my blog! :)

Feb 21, 2014

School's everyday life in TCU & Snowball

Hi everybody,

I haven't written something on here for a long time because I was so busy with school. So
much has happened in the past couples of weeks: There was Snowball and sleepovers and just the Everyday Life here is somehow much busier (in a positive way) than in Berlin. I mean on the one hand I feel more relaxed here, but on the other and I never get bored, or I never have really nothing to do.
Well, anyway Sno-ball (I prefer spellin it Snowball though!) was on Saturday night of 02/08/14 and we just had so much fun: Snowball is kind of a dance for the whole school where we dress a bit fancier than to a regular party but still it's not like Prom. Anyway, for me -as an European- some girls still had very fancy dresses but I mean everyone looked beautiful :)
My friends and me, we met at our one's friend house to put on make-up and nail polis and what not. It was just so so so fun!
Then I went to the Mall of America: I'll tell you IT IS HUGE!!! It definitely makes sense that this mall is the biggest mall of the US! ;) They have so many stores and some of them repeat but yeah we were so busy shopping and looking through the four levels and especially FINDING our way that I didn't take any pictures inside. But I guess it won't be my last trip to the MOA, so I'll let you guys know when I got some pictures of it for you :)
Otherwise, my life in Montgomery kind of assimilated: I go to school everyday at 7:30, 'cause it starts at 7:45 and I don't wanna be late :D Then I got World Cultures&Geography, Advanced Biology, Maths (Calculus), Pottery (that's where we do things out of clay, vases, bowls, mugs and cups, containers or animals), then I have Study Hall where I can do my homework or sth like that, afterwards Pre-College English and my last hour is CIS American History. I just loooove my schedule and though I have three Pre- or College-classes I feel comfortable with it and I don't regret any of them (ok, that we read Shakespeare in English right now is not my biggest favor, BUT I do understand it...generally! :P)
Yeah, so that's kind of up-to-date. I wll have some tests soon, so maybe next time I'll post sth is gonna be not in the near future but i will definitely try to make up all the things I didn't share with you gus!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the pictures ;)

Gracia (:

1 comment:

  1. Ohh wie schön! Ich liebe den "American Lifestyle" :) Bekomme dabei schon richtig "Heimweh" nach meiner amerikanischen Zweitfamilie!
    Dir eine schöne Zeit!

    Liebe Grüße Anki


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